Thursday, February 18, 2021

Character background

 Our main protagonist is going to be Luci (Luciano). 

Luci is a 17-year-old boy from the suburbs of Weston. From Mise en scene elements, it will be developed how he's got a sweet tooth for adventure and adrenaline. He picked up a love for hiking after his father's disappearance because he was also into hiking. 

If we go back ten years when Luci was only 7 he was being put to sleep because it was already past his bedtime. Around midnight the mother starts to get worried because Jason (the father) has never been out this late. After a few days of Luci wondering and asking where his father is he finds out that Jason is dead as he eavesdrops on the conversation between his mother and the police at his door. At such a young age he couldn't hold back his feelings and broke down on the spot. 

Once he was 14 years old he started to deeply research his father's disappearance. He figured out that his father's report said he was kidnapped but after taking online computer hacking classes he was able to break into the police mainframe and find his dad's files. He found out that his father was mauled to death and he found a piece of evidence that made everything tie together...A video camera. He downloaded the whole file onto his laptop so he can keep reviewing and going over his dad's files. After he found those gruesome pictures of his how his dad was barbarically murdered and chewed up he needed to know the history of this "innocent town."

He found out through ear from classmates and other students in his school that there have been multiple people who go into "Markham Woods" and never come out alive. So now he has two pieces of information that get him closer to finding out his father's true cause of death. 

Luci keeps researching and is now fixated and addicted to finding out what happened this father's death. He foolishly thinks he can take on the woods by himself at the age of 15 with no hiking experience. Little does he know this is the worst idea possible. He doesn't know what to expect and after the terrifying trip to the woods he somehow made it out alive but now he's being stalked by whatever was in those woods.

Around 16 years old he's encountered the mysterious creature about 5 times in the span of a year just watching from afar. He hasn't been close enough to ever see all the details or figure out what is the beast that is following him now. Because he's been followed for the past year whenever he's out past 7 pm he sees him every now and then and once he encounters the beat on his 7th encounter it was the most terrifying moment of his life. He stayed out past 9 pm that day and was heading home by himself when he felt a stare. He knew right away it was the beast. He turns around and he only saw black but once he looks up he sees the beast right in front of him standing three feet away. The beast seems to be about 9 feet tall with long limbs and a terrifying facial structure and details. He wets himself and yells as loud as he cans to have his neighbors come out and to his luck they do. He figured out that the beast doesn't like light because once his neighbors turned on their porch lights he let go of his shirt and took off running back from where he came from. 

Now at 17, he has developed his own case study and a wall dedicated to similar disappearances around those woods trying to connect the dots. All of those cases were put as disappearances and runaways while he figured out they were all brutally murdered around the same time raging from 7pm-midnight.  Now with more freedom and friends, he gathers enough courage to take the woods again with friends. 

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CCR COMPLETE Its been a wild one I'll see yall at the next one MZ signing off ✌out!!!